A Love Song 

Caught up in the eye of 

your storm

you said you’d catch me if I fall.

Romantics like me

you see, we fall way too easily.

It’s true.

Elizabeth + Mr. Darcy 

still gets me 

gets me thinking about the times when

our laughter hit the same note

because our love just hit different.


But that was back when our love

harnessed the power of magic.

I used to watch you untie thunder from lightening

I used to watch you manipulate the skies

spin clouds into butterflies

Yeah. You were that kind of guy.


I guess it was my fault for believing all your lies.

I should have known that only fools believe in magic

and storms are never predictable.


Not Me

Silent seedlings sleeping

deep beneath stony ground

dressed in splendid dressing gowns

they wait patiently for spring to come.

In their dreams they climb





 I, knowing full well it takes a village,

shout in sorrow:

“Did anyone make time to water the seedlings?”

Not me!

Said the Lady of Perpetual Pride

skin worn thin

wrinkles deep as roots

trophies she’d won

but never admired.

Just one more nip and tuck

and she’ll be made whole.


“Did anyone make time to water the seedlings?”


Not me!

Said the Mercenary Man of Self-Interest

he must make room for

one more house

one more shopping center

one more highway.


Cry for him! he is soulless

deaf to the sound of steel blades

gnawing, feeding, crunching

on the ancestral bones

of those who came First

They see! They hear! They speak!

I, knowing full well it takes a village ask:

“Will I make time to water the seedlings?”

Next spring, I say!

The moment of wonder

already eclipsed

by pressing needs of the day.

(2017/rev. 2024)

***This poem was inspired by the Indigenous Americans’ continual fight to regain the tribal lands that were stolen from them.

Read more: https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2024-01-03/these-tribes-are-getting-a-slice-of-their-land-back-under-the-condition-that-they-preserve-it